Package: micromapST 3.1.0

micromapST: Linked Micromap Plots for U. S. and Other Geographic Areas

Provides the users with the ability to quickly create linked micromap plots for a collection of geographic areas. Linked micromap plots are visualizations of geo-referenced data that link statistical graphics to an organized series of small maps or graphic images. The Help description contains examples of how to use the 'micromapST' function. Contained in this package are border group datasets to support creating linked micromap plots for the 50 U.S. states and District of Columbia (51 areas), the U. S. 20 Seer Registries, the 105 counties in the state of Kansas, the 62 counties of New York, the 24 counties of Maryland, the 29 counties of Utah, the 32 administrative areas in China, the 218 administrative areas in the UK and Ireland (for testing only), the 25 districts in the city of Seoul South Korea, and the 52 counties on the Africa continent. A border group dataset contains the boundaries related to the data level areas, a second layer boundaries, a top or third layer boundary, a parameter list of run options, and a cross indexing table between area names, abbreviations, numeric identification and alias matching strings for the specific geographic area. By specifying a border group, the package create linked micromap plots for any geographic region. The user can create and provide their own border group dataset for any area beyond the areas contained within the package. In version 3.0.0, the 'BuildBorderGroup' function was upgraded to not use the retiring 'maptools', 'rgdal', and 'rgeos' packages. References: Carr and Pickle, Chapman and Hall/CRC, Visualizing Data Patterns with Micromaps, CRC Press, 2010. Pickle, Pearson, and Carr (2015), micromapST: Exploring and Communicating Geospatial Patterns in US State Data., Journal of Statistical Software, 63(3), 1-25., <>. Copyrighted 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025 by Carr, Pearson and Pickle.

Authors:Jim Pearson [aut, cre, cph], Dan Carr [aut, cph], Linda Pickle [ctb, cph]

micromapST.pdf |micromapST.html
micromapST/json (API)

# Install 'micromapST' in R:
install.packages('micromapST', repos = c('', ''))
  • AfricaPopData - Test data for the Africa border Group
  • Educ8thData - Education Survey of 8th Grade Proficiency in Math
  • KansPopInc - Test data for the Kansas border Group
  • L2VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L2VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L2VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L2VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L2VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L2VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L2VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L2VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L2VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L2VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L3VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L3VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L3VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L3VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L3VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L3VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L3VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L3VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L3VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • L3VisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • LOWESSData - Test data for US LOWESS ScatDot glyphs.
  • RegVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • RegVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • RegVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • RegVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • RegVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • RegVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • RegVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • RegVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • RegVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • RegVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • Seer18Area - Test data for 18 U.S. Seer Registries (of 20) for general dot, arrow, and bar glyphics.
  • SeoulPopData - Test data for the Seoul South Korea city district border Group
  • SynTable - This data set contains a synonym table to help translate common incorrect location id strings
  • TSdata - Time Series Example Dataset
  • UKIrelandPopData - Test data for the UK-Ireland border Group
  • UKIrelandPopData2 - Test data for the UK-Ireland border Group
  • UtahPopData - Test data for the Utah state border Group
  • areaNamesAbbrsIDs - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaNamesAbbrsIDs - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaNamesAbbrsIDs - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaNamesAbbrsIDs - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaNamesAbbrsIDs - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaNamesAbbrsIDs - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaNamesAbbrsIDs - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaNamesAbbrsIDs - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaNamesAbbrsIDs - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaNamesAbbrsIDs - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaParms - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaParms - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaParms - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaParms - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaParms - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaParms - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaParms - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaParms - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaParms - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaParms - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • areaVisBorders - Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  • cnPopData - Test data for the China border Group
  • detailsVariables - Validation and Translation table for details variables
  • mdPopData - Test data for the Maryland border Group
  • nyPopData - Test data for the New York border Group
  • statePop2010 - US State Population for 2010
  • wflung00and95 - Lung cancer mortality data for white females, 2000-4 and 1995-9
  • wflung00and95US - Wflung 2000 to 2004 and 1995 to 1999 US data
  • wflung00cnty - Lung cancer mortality data for white females, by county, 2000-4
  • wmlung5070 - Lung cancer mortality data for white males, 1950-69 and 1970-94
  • wmlung5070US - U.S. lung cancer mortality data for white males, 1950-1969 and 1970-1994


This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

2.80 score 21 scripts 923 downloads 7 exports 60 dependencies

Last updated 4 days agofrom:601bd2e99c. Checks:8 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-winOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-macOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.5-linuxOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.4-winOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.4-macOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.3-winOKFeb 14 2025
R-4.3-macOKFeb 14 2025



micromapST - Linked micromap builder for the US states

Rendered fromJSSmicromapSTv63i03.pdf.asisusingR.rsp::asison Feb 14 2025.

Last update: 2015-01-21
Started: 2015-01-21

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
A graphics package to easily and quickly create linked micromaps for a specified geographic collection of areas.micromapST-package
AfricaBG border group datasets to support creating micromaps for the 52 countries in AfricaAfricaBG
Test data for the Africa border GroupAfricaPopData
Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST packageareaNamesAbbrsIDs areaParms areaVisBorders bordGrp L2VisBorders L3VisBorders RegVisBorders
Building new border groups for Linked Micromap created by the micromapST packageBuildBorderGroup
ChinaBG border group datasets to support creating micromaps for the 32 providences and municipalities in the country of Republic of ChinaChinaBG
Test data for the China border GroupcnPopData
Validation and Translation table for details variablesdetailsVariables
Education Survey of 8th Grade Proficiency in MathEduc8thData
The arrow glyph creates a graphic of a two data points, from a beginning point to an end point.ARROW glyph-arrow
The bar glyph creates a graphic of a single data point as the height of the bar.BAR glyph-bar
The boxplot glyph creates a graphic of a scatter dot plot of x and y coordinate points.BOXPLOT glyph-boxplot
The ctrbar glyph creates a centered stacked bar diagram centered about the value of zero.CTRBAR glyph-ctrbar
The dot glyph create a graphic of a single data point as a dot on the graphic between the lowest and highest values.DOT glyph-dot
The dotconf glyph creates a graphic of a single data point as a dot with a line through the dot from the low to high confidence limits.DOTCONF glyph-dotconf
The dotse glyph creates a graphic of a single data point and a line representing the standard error of the data.DOTSE glyph-dotse
The dotsignif glyph creates a graphic of a single data point as a dot and overlay the dot with a "X" if the data value is significant.DOTSIGNIF glyph-dotsignif
The id glyph creates a graphic of a names or abbreviations of each area in the map.glyph-id ID
The collection of map glyphs creates a graphic of a micromap plots.glyph-mapxxxx map mapcom mapmedian maptail
The Normbar glyph creates a graphic of a stacked bar chart dot plot of x values.glyph-normbar NORMBAR
The rank glyph creates a graphic of the area rankings.glyph-rank RANK
The SCATDOT glyph creates a graphic of a scatter dot plot of x and y coordinate points.glyph-scatdot SCATDOT
The Segbar glyph creates a graphic of a stacked bar chart dot plot of x values.glyph-segbar SEGBAR
The TS glyph creates a time series plot for up to 64 time periods for the data based on the provided matrix.glyph-TS glyph-TSconf TS
KansasBG border group datasets to support creating micromaps for the 105 counties in the state of KansasKansasBG
Test data for the Kansas border GroupKansPopInc
Test data for US LOWESS ScatDot glyphs.LOWESSData
MarylandBG border group datasets to support creating micromaps for the 24 counties in the state of MarylandMarylandBG
Test data for the Maryland border GroupmdPopData
micromapST Generated Warning and Error Messages - BuildBorderGroupmessages-BG
micromapST Generated Warning and Error Messages-micromapSTmessages-MM
micromapGDefaults data.frame structuremicromapGDefaults
function to build the micromapGDefault data.framemicromapGSetDefaults
function to build the micromapGPanelDef data.framemicromapGSetPanelDef
A function to create linked micromaps for the 20 U. S. Seer RegistriesmicromapSEER
Linked Micromap Graphics PackagemicromapST micromapST.Version
NewYorkBG border group datasets to supports building micromaps for the 62 counties in the state of New York.NewYorkBG
Test data for the New York border GroupnyPopData
micromapST panel description data.frame structurepanelDesc
A function to plot the micromapST boundary format called VisBordersPlotVis
Test data for 18 U.S. Seer Registries (of 20) for general dot, arrow, and bar glyphics.Seer18Area
Test data for the Seoul South Korea city district border GroupSeoulPopData
Seoul South Korea border group datasets to support creating micromaps for the 25 districts in the Korean city of Seoul.SeoulSKoreaBG
US State Population for 2010statePop2010
This data set contains a synonym table to help translate common incorrect location id stringsSynTable
Time Series Example DatasetTSdata
UKIrelandBG border group datasets contains the boundary information for the United Kingdom and Ireland.UKIrelandBG
Test data for the UK-Ireland border GroupUKIrelandPopData UKIrelandPopData2
USSeerBG border group datasets to support use with U.S. 20 Seer areas/registriesUSSeerBG
USStatesBG border group datasets to support use with U.S. States amd D.C. AreasUSStatesBG
UtahBG border group datasets to support creating micromaps for the counties in the state of UtahUtahBG
Test data for the Utah state border GroupUtahPopData
Lung cancer mortality data for white females, 2000-4 and 1995-9wflung00and95
wflung 2000 to 2004 and 1995 to 1999 US datawflung00and95US
Lung cancer mortality data for white females, by county, 2000-4wflung00cnty
Lung cancer mortality data for white males, 1950-69 and 1970-94wmlung5070
U.S. lung cancer mortality data for white males, 1950-1969 and 1970-1994wmlung5070US
How the X-Axis is created and user controls.X-Axis