1. micromapST::AfricaPopData
    Test data for the Africa border Group
  2. micromapST::Educ8thData
    Education Survey of 8th Grade Proficiency in Math
  3. micromapST::KansPopInc
    Test data for the Kansas border Group
  4. micromapST::L2VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  5. micromapST::L2VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  6. micromapST::L2VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  7. micromapST::L2VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  8. micromapST::L2VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  9. micromapST::L2VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  10. micromapST::L2VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  11. micromapST::L2VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  12. micromapST::L2VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  13. micromapST::L2VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  14. micromapST::L3VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  15. micromapST::L3VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  16. micromapST::L3VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  17. micromapST::L3VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  18. micromapST::L3VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  19. micromapST::L3VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  20. micromapST::L3VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  21. micromapST::L3VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  22. micromapST::L3VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  23. micromapST::L3VisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  24. micromapST::LOWESSData
    Test data for US LOWESS ScatDot glyphs.
  25. micromapST::RegVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  26. micromapST::RegVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  27. micromapST::RegVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  28. micromapST::RegVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  29. micromapST::RegVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  30. micromapST::RegVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  31. micromapST::RegVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  32. micromapST::RegVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  33. micromapST::RegVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  34. micromapST::RegVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  35. micromapST::Seer18Area
    Test data for 18 U.S. Seer Registries (of 20) for general dot, arrow, and bar glyphics.
  36. micromapST::SeoulPopData
    Test data for the Seoul South Korea city district border Group
  37. micromapST::SynTable
    This data set contains a synonym table to help translate common incorrect location id strings
  38. micromapST::TSdata
    Time Series Example Dataset
  39. micromapST::UKIrelandPopData
    Test data for the UK-Ireland border Group
  40. micromapST::UKIrelandPopData2
    Test data for the UK-Ireland border Group
  41. micromapST::UtahPopData
    Test data for the Utah state border Group
  42. micromapST::areaNamesAbbrsIDs
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  43. micromapST::areaNamesAbbrsIDs
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  44. micromapST::areaNamesAbbrsIDs
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  45. micromapST::areaNamesAbbrsIDs
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  46. micromapST::areaNamesAbbrsIDs
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  47. micromapST::areaNamesAbbrsIDs
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  48. micromapST::areaNamesAbbrsIDs
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  49. micromapST::areaNamesAbbrsIDs
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  50. micromapST::areaNamesAbbrsIDs
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  51. micromapST::areaNamesAbbrsIDs
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  52. micromapST::areaParms
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  53. micromapST::areaParms
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  54. micromapST::areaParms
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  55. micromapST::areaParms
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  56. micromapST::areaParms
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  57. micromapST::areaParms
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  58. micromapST::areaParms
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  59. micromapST::areaParms
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  60. micromapST::areaParms
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  61. micromapST::areaParms
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  62. micromapST::areaVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  63. micromapST::areaVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  64. micromapST::areaVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  65. micromapST::areaVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  66. micromapST::areaVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  67. micromapST::areaVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  68. micromapST::areaVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  69. micromapST::areaVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  70. micromapST::areaVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  71. micromapST::areaVisBorders
    Defining different spatial areas for Linked Micromap using the micromapST package
  72. micromapST::cnPopData
    Test data for the China border Group
  73. micromapST::detailsVariables
    Validation and Translation table for details variables
  74. micromapST::mdPopData
    Test data for the Maryland border Group
  75. micromapST::nyPopData
    Test data for the New York border Group
  76. micromapST::statePop2010
    US State Population for 2010
  77. micromapST::wflung00and95
    Lung cancer mortality data for white females, 2000-4 and 1995-9
  78. micromapST::wflung00and95US
    wflung 2000 to 2004 and 1995 to 1999 US data
  79. micromapST::wflung00cnty
    Lung cancer mortality data for white females, by county, 2000-4
  80. micromapST::wmlung5070
    Lung cancer mortality data for white males, 1950-69 and 1970-94
  81. micromapST::wmlung5070US
    U.S. lung cancer mortality data for white males, 1950-1969 and 1970-1994